Human Rogue - A versatile and adaptable rogue with a wide range of skills and abilities.
Elf Rogue - A quick and nimble rogue with keen senses and an affinity for archery.
Dwarf Rogue - A tough and resilient rogue with a natural talent for sneaking and thieving.
Halfling Rogue - A charming and nimble rogue with a knack for slipping past obstacles and avoiding danger.
Gnome Rogue - A curious and cunning rogue with a talent for tinkering and crafting.
Half-Orc Rogue - A fierce and intimidating rogue who uses their strength and cunning to get what they want.
Tiefling Rogue - A mysterious and deceptive rogue with a talent for manipulating others.
Aasimar Rogue - A stealthy and graceful rogue with divine powers that aid in their thieving exploits.
Dragonborn Rogue - A cunning and ruthless rogue with a fierce determination to achieve their goals.
Half-Elf Rogue - A versatile and adaptable rogue with a mix of human and elf traits, able to blend in with both societies.